Section outline

  • ANHE Executive Director Katie Huffling, and Laura Anderko, co-director of MACCHE, discuss issues related to indoor air quality and schools and how nurses can make a positive difference by reducing exposures in the classroom. Join us for this informative and engaging discussion.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Describe at least three indoor air quality issues commonly found in schools
    2. State health issues related to the use of disinfectants in the classroom
    3. Identify opportunities for nursing collaboration to improve indoor air quality in schools

    • MACCHE Webinar Series Part 3 Evaluation Quiz
      Not available unless: The activity Finish video is marked complete
  • Not available unless: The activity MACCHE Webinar Series Part 3 Evaluation is marked complete
      1. Read more about Indoor Air Quality,
      2. Join an ANHE Forum or Committee,
      3. Sign up to receive information about ANHE events and opportunities,
      4. Donate to support nurses leading the way in protecting communities,
      5. See ANHE's library of information and resources on environmental health,
      6. Use your Nursing Voice to advocate for healthy communities by contacting us here