Section outline
Climate change is impacting the health of our communities. From increasing temperature, to more extreme weather events, to rişing sea levels, health impacts are being felt globally. Nurses, as the most trusted professionals, are in a unique position to advocate for climate health.
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss historical and current examples of how nurses have engaged in advocacy to promote healthy environments.
2. Describe at least three ways climate damage impacts the health of the public.
3. Identify at least three actions nurses can take to advocate for climate health. -
- Read ANHE's recently released Climate Justice Agenda for Nursing,
- Join an ANHE Forum or Committee,
- Sign up to receive information about ANHE events and opportunities,
- Donate to support nurses leading the way in protecting communities,
- See ANHE's library of information and resources on environmental health,
- Use your Nursing Voice to advocate for healthy communities by contacting us here.