Section outline

  • Wireless non-iodizing radiation has serious biological and health effects and the amount of RFR in our everyday environment increases daily. The telecom industry has us addicted to our "devices." Pregnant women and children are most at risk for the health effects of RFR. Learn the sources of RFR and how to decrease exposure to them in the environment.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Understand sources of exposure to non-ionizing Radio Frequency Radiation.
    2. Differentiate between 3G, 4G, and 5G RFR.
    3. State ways to decrease exposure to RFR in their environment.
    4. Identify symptoms of ElectroHealthSensitivity in adults and children.
    5. Understand how RFR is regulated at the local, state and federal level.

    • Wireless Smog: An Invisible Toxin Evaluation Quiz
      Not available unless: The activity Finish video is marked complete
  • Not available unless: The activity Wireless Smog: An Invisible Toxin Evaluation is marked complete