Section outline

  • Heat in the United States: Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days. The research finds that increases in potentially lethal heat driven by climate change will affect every state in the contiguous United States in the decades ahead. The findings are alarming: few places would be unaffected by extreme heat conditions by midcentury and only a few mountainous regions would be heat refuges by the century's end.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Describe the key findings in the newly released Union of Concerned Scientist report, Killer Heat in the United States: Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days.
    2. Discuss the health impacts that extreme heat poses across the United States.
    3. Identify specific nursing actions to address the health impacts of extreme heat and climate change.

    • UCS Report - Killer Heat in the United States: Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days Evaluation Quiz
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