Section outline

    • PFAS are commonly known as ‘forever chemicals’ due to their extreme persistence in the environment and human body. PFAS cross the placental barrier, accumulate in the growing fetus, are excreted in breast milk, and have been linked with a wide range of health effects including high cholesterol, several cancers, infertility, and low birth weight. This webinar discusses the scope of PFAS exposure in Michigan as well as resources for the clinician, including ANHE’s PFAS Toolkit, as well as advocacy opportunities.

      Learning Objectives:

      1. Summarize the known and potential health impacts from exposure to PFAS.
      2. Discuss the current state of PFAS screening and steps health providers can take in assessing patients.
      3. Identify advocacy opportunities for Michigan nurses, health workers and clinicians to advance care and treatment of patients with PFAS exposure.
    • Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17198, for 1 contact hour.

  • In order to receive 1 Nursing Continuing Education (CE) credit, you must complete the course evaluation and receive at least an 80% on the course post-test.

  • In order to receive 1 Nursing Continuing Education (CE) credit, you must complete the course evaluation and receive at least an 80% on the course post-test.

    • PFAS in Michigan Post-Test for Nursing Continuing Education (CE) credit Quiz
      Closes: Thursday, August 16, 2029, 1:23 PM
      Not available unless: The activity PFAS in Michigan Evaluation is marked complete
      1. Check out ANHE's PFAS Toolkit - Guidance for Clinicians
      2. Join an ANHE Forum or Committee
      3. Sign up to receive information about ANHE events and opportunities, 
      4. Donate to support nurses leading the way in protecting communities, 
      5. See ANHE's library of information and resources on environmental health, 
      6. Use your Nursing Voice to advocate for healthy communities by contacting us here.