Section outline

    • The Environmental Protection Agency recently finalized national primary drinking water standards for 6 PFAS. This is the first-ever national, legally enforceable, scientifically supported drinking water standard to protect communities from exposure to harmful per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as ‘forever chemicals.’ Most people are exposed to mixtures of PFAS and there is sufficient evidence that certain PFAS are associated with health outcomes including decreased antibody responses and dyslipidemia in both adults and children as well as decreased infant and fetal growth and increased risk of kidney cancer in adults. As public drinking water systems come into compliance with the new standards, nurses and health care providers will likely be asked by patients and those in their communities, about the health effects of PFAS and about PFAS in drinking water. This webinar is intended to discuss resources, including ANHE’s PFAS Toolkit, and advocacy opportunities for the clinician. This will be a 1 hour panel webinar including 3 speakers who are well-established successful PFAS advocates.

      Learning Objectives:

      1. Summarize the known and potential health impacts from exposure to PFAS through drinking water.
      2. Describe EPA's most recent national public drinking water standards regarding PFAS.
      3. Discuss federal, state and local PFAS advocacy opportunities in which nurses, health workers and clinicians can engage.
      4. Review which strategies were successful in passing state-level PFAS legislation noting any barriers.
    • Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17198, for 1 contact hour.

    • Password for Evaluation and Post-Test Forum
      Not available unless: The activity Course Video is marked complete
  • In order to receive 1 Nursing Continuing Education (CE) credit, you must complete the course evaluation and receive at least an 80% on the course post-test.

    • PFAS and Drinking Water Evaluation Quiz
      Not available unless: The activity Course Video is marked complete
  • In order to receive 1 Nursing Continuing Education (CE) credit, you must complete the course evaluation and receive at least an 80% on the course post-test.

    • PFAS: Federal Drinking Water Standards and Opportunities for Nursing Action Post-Test Quiz
      Not available unless: The activity PFAS and Drinking Water Evaluation is marked complete
      1. Check out ANHE's PFAS Toolkit - Guidance for Clinicians
      2. Join an ANHE Forum or Committee
      3. Sign up to receive information about ANHE events and opportunities, 
      4. Donate to support nurses leading the way in protecting communities, 
      5. See ANHE's library of information and resources on environmental health, 
      6. Use your Nursing Voice to advocate for healthy communities by contacting us here.