Section outline

    • Climate change and air pollution impact health but far less attention is given to soil. A thin layer of fertile soil has been sustaining life on Earth for millennia. Join the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE) Food and Agriculture Committee and our guests Saumya Ayyagari, MSN, MPH of Save Soil and Meghan Adelman, RN, BSN, MPH for this exciting event and learn about actionable steps nurses can take!

      Learning Objectives:

      1. Define the problem of soil degradation.
      2. Describe the potential health impacts of further soil degradation to patient populations and communities.
      3. Identify at least 2 ways that nurses can advocate towards soil restoration.
      4. Describe the health and environmental benefits of regenerative agriculture.
    • Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17198, for 1 contact hour.

    • Password for Evaluation and Post-Test Forum
      Not available unless: The activity Course Video is marked complete
  • In order to receive 1 Nursing Continuing Education (CE) credit, you must complete the course evaluation and receive at least an 80% on the course post-test.

  • In order to receive 1 Nursing Continuing Education (CE) credit, you must complete the course evaluation and receive at least an 80% on the course post-test.

      1. Read ANHE's recently released Climate Justice Agenda for Nursing
      2. Join an ANHE Forum or Committee
      3. Sign up to receive information about ANHE events and opportunities, 
      4. Donate to support nurses leading the way in protecting communities, 
      5. See ANHE's library of information and resources on environmental health, 
      6. Use your Nursing Voice to advocate for healthy communities by contacting us here.